What are niche edits?

Niche edits, or also known as  link insertions, are a great way to add authority into your link profile.

These links are strategically placed in high-quality, contextually relevant content that search engines have already indexed and showed some love to. 

Subsequently, these links have been used by SEOs ever since the term was labelled back in 2015.

But why are they so popular among SEOs and linkbuilders? The reasons are quite straight forward.

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4 Key Benefits of Niche Edits


Niche edits are typically placed on sites with inherent authority (e.g. high DA/DR/RD etc.)

When your site is linked from a high DA/DR site, it’s akin to receiving a vote of confidence. Search engines interpret these links as endorsements, suggesting that your site is also valuable, credible, and useful. It’s the 101 of link building.

This direct transfer of authority (aka link equity) can significantly improve your site’s visibility and ranking.

Think of it like like “getting a thumbs-up from the giants in your niche”, directly impacting how Google values your website.

Contextual Relevance

Contextual relevance simply means placing your link in content that closely aligns with your site’s niche or overall topic.

This relevance is crucial because search engines are becoming increasingly sophisticated at understanding context and user intent (especially with AI becoming more and more advanced).

Links from pages that closely match your content’s topic area signal to search engines that your site is a relevant and valuable resource in that specific vertical.

This directly adds to the link’s power.


Older, well-established pages are often viewed as more authoritative by search engines like Google. This is because, over time, these pages accumulate their own backlinks, traffic, clicks and authority.

By inserting your link into these aged pages, you tap into their established authority.

In other words, a link from a long-standing page is like a seasoned expert endorsing your site, which can be more impactful than a nod from a newcomer.


Niche edits are often more affordable than other links like guest posting or digital PR.

This is because they involve adding links to existing content, rather than creating and promoting new content from scratch. For the webmaster it’s a matter of a few clicks.

So for businesses looking to improve their SEO without a hefty investment, niche edits offer a viable solution. They provide a good balance between effectiveness and budget.

Guest Posts vs. Niche Edits

Now let’s compare niche edits against guest posts, as many people tend to confuse the two.

Guest Posts

Guest posting is akin to being a guest speaker at an event.

It involves creating fresh, original content for another website. This method allows for greater control over the content and the context in which your links are placed.

Typically, a guest post will prominently feature links back to your site (low OBL), and the content can be tailored to highlight your expertise and value proposition.

This approach not only brings in a valuable backlink but also adds to your authority.

Niche Edits

Niche edits, in contrast, are like giving your opinion in an ongoing conversation.

It involved adding your links into existing, aged content on relevant and high-authority sites.

The pages where the links are added often include more than one outbound link (OBL >1), which may dilute the link equity slightly, but the advantage lies in the age and existing value and relevance of the content. It’s a strategy that allows you to piggyback on the credibility and traffic already earned by the page.

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White Hat vs. Blackhat Niche Edits

White Hat Niche Edits

These are the paragons of ethical SEO practices.

White Hat Niche Edits are achieved through transparent, manual outreach to webmasters. This approach respects the integrity of the other site and your site’s reputation.

This process includes meticulous checks for spam, the presence of bad links, the amount of traffic the site receives, and the strength of its domain metrics (DR, DA etc.)

It’s the only way we at SEOlutions acquire these links.

Blackhat Niche Edits

On the flip side, Blackhat Niche Edits employ dubious tactics that can jeopardize your site’s standing with search engines.

These often include using hacked links or incorporating links into low-quality domains with inflated DA/DR numbers and no verifiable organic traffic.

While they might offer short-term gains, the risks are higher. Personally, we would stay away from them or use them in a lower tier link layer.

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Tips for acquiring niche edits

Outsource! (to us… ;-))

Partnering with a reputable link buding service is a strategic decision that can significantly streamline your link acquisitions.

A trusted service brings expertise, established relationships with webmasters, and a deep understanding of SEO best practices to the table. This professionalism ensures that your niche edits are not only ethically sourced but are also strategically placed for maximum impact on your rankings.

It also saves you the time and effort that would otherwise be spent on vetting sites, conducting outreach, and managing relationships and payments.

Trust us, it’s tedious.


$135.00 per link
Our best-selling link insertions (niche edits). Manual prospecting. Manual Outreach.
  • Domain Rating: DR40+
  • Ahrefs Traffic: 2000+
  • Full approval of the sites before we commence the outreach
  • White label reporting
  • TAT 14-21 days

Use A Link Intersect Analysis

If you want to do the outreach yourself, make sure you do it right.

A great way to find potential prospects is a backlink gap analysis (or otherwise known at link intersect analysis).

You can easily do it via Ahrefs.

This analysis helps you understand where your competitors are getting their backlinks, providing insights into their strategies and the types of sites that are likely to be receptive to niche edits in your niche.

Armed with this information, you can target similar sites, making your link-building efforts more focused and effective.

Use tools like Hunter.io or Snov.io to reach out to those sites and see if you can land a link.

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Manually Screen the prospects

Ensuring the quality of sites for niche edits involves several key steps:

Check Domain Authority / Domain Rating and Traffic: Use tools like Moz or Ahrefs to assess the site’s domain authority and traffic levels. Analyze the site’s traffic to see what keywords it is ranking for. Avoid sites that rank only for KD0-3 keywords or keywords that are just used for traffic grabbing (i.e. inflating the organic traffic to charge a higher price). See the image for an example of what we mean.

Review the Site’s Backlink Profile: Analyze the site’s backlink profile for any signs of spammy links and to see if it can actually pass some decent link equity to your site.

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Make it easy for the webmasters.

When reaching out to webmasters, it’s crucial to communicate proposals that are both appealing and easy to implement.

Suggesting specific anchor texts or the addition of a sentence in a contextually relevant paragraph can make it easier for webmasters to see the value in your proposal.

Your outreach should aim to create a win-win situation, where the addition of your link appears as a natural and beneficial enhancement to their content. Clear, concise, and respectful communication can foster positive relationships with webmasters, leading to more successful link-building endeavors.

We have added a template mail on the right that you can use.

Tip #1: Negotiate.

Negotiating prices is also an important aspect of acquiring niche edits. Sometimes, webmasters may quote prices that are not in line with their site’s metrics or the going market rate. In such cases, assertive negotiation is key. Especially for something as simple as adding a link you can negotiate prices down 30-50%.

Tip #2: Request an invoice.

In the event of any misunderstandings or disputes, an invoice provides a reference point that can help in resolving issues efficiently.

Subject Line: Re. Advertising / Link Options


my name is JT. I’m the marketing director at (https://yoursite.com) and we are currently looking for link opportunities to build out our brand.

Subsequently, we would like to know if you accept guest posts or link placements (in existing articles) on your site?

In particular, we are interest in a link on this page:


In this paragraph (link added):

Copy/paste the paragraph here and add your link

If you do accept these links, please let us know your editorial prices and guidelines and if you have any other websites in your portfolio, feel free to send those over, too. 

We appreciate your time and thank you in advance for a swift response.

Best Regards,


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